Legal Representation
Housing Law Clinic
TRAC’s Housing Law Clinic can provide free legal advice and/or representation for the following types of cases:
- you are an individual tenant experiencing a tenancy issue that TRAC considers serious, urgent, and/or systemic;
- you and other tenants in your building are being affected by the same tenancy issue(s) and would like to file for dispute resolution as a group;
- you would like a Supreme Court Judge to review your Residential Tenancy Branch decision for a serious error or unfairness;
- you need help enforcing a Residential Tenancy Branch monetary order through Small Claims Court; or
- your housing situation falls outside of the Residential Tenancy Act (e.g. co-operative housing) and you need legal assistance.
Please note that TRAC can only assist a limited number of clients at any given time. To see if you are eligible for our services, call 604-255-3099 or 1-800-665-1185.
Please do not send copies of documents related to your case unless requested to by a TRAC staff member. Unsolicited documents will not be reviewed.