


TRAC’s Purpose

TRAC’s purpose is to promote and enhance the legal protection of residential tenants across British Columbia by providing information, education, research, and advocacy on rental housing matters.



TRAC’s Values

TRAC operates based on the following core values:

  • Housing is a basic human right
  • All tenants deserve security of tenure
  • All tenants deserve access to free legal aid
  • No tenant should be denied access to justice



TRAC’s Activities

TRAC’s activities can be broken down into three main categories:

  1. Legal Education: TRAC offers the following resources to tenants and legal advocates:
  2. Legal Representation: TRAC provides eligible clients with  legal representation at the Residential Tenancy Branch and BC Supreme Court.
  3. Law Reform: TRAC works with all levels of government to advocate for legislative, policy, and operational changes that will improve the lives of BC tenants.