


The Basics

According to section 18 of the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA), landlords are allowed to restrict pets entirely, or set limits on the number, size, or type of pets a tenant can have in their rental unit. If your pet causes significant damage or unreasonably disturbs others, your landlord may have grounds to evict you and keep your pet damage deposit.

See Residential Tenancy Branch Policy Guideline 28 for more information.

Exception: If you have a dog that falls under the Guide Dog and Service Dog Act, your landlord must allow it and cannot require a pet damage deposit.



Pet Damage Deposits

If you are allowed to have a pet, your landlord can require a pet damage deposit of up to half the monthly rent.

See TRAC’s webpage, Deposits, and Residential Tenancy Branch Policy Guideline 31 for more information.



Condition Inspection Reports

At the start and end of a tenancy, the tenant and landlord should walk through the rental unit and complete a condition inspection report. However, if your landlord allows you to obtain a pet part way through your tenancy, section 20 of the Residential Tenancy Act says your landlord can require you to complete another condition inspection report.

See TRAC’s webpage, Condition Inspection Reports, for more information.



Pet Resumes

It can be challenging to find pet-friendly housing in BC, since landlords are allowed to restrict pets in rental properties. To inspire confidence in a potential landlord, provide positive information about your pet as part of your rental application. Do you have pet references? Positive information about the breed? Certificates from a training program? The goal is to show that your pet has a positive history of being non-destructive, reasonably quiet, and friendly to neighbours.



RESOURCE: Pet Resume Template

To increase your chances of finding a home for you and your pet, use this Pet Resume Template to highlight your pet’s training, good behaviour, and positive history in rental buildings.



Previous Legal Decisions


  • Waiver of materiality of no pets clause
  • Eviction for breach of no pets clause